Sunday, November 28, 2010

Calling family help

Well Michael and I decided to have a special fast next Sunday DEC 5 21010 We want to bring the Lord into our relationship more and need his help more then ever to start our family we really want to have a baby and we decided strenght in numbers we love you all and appetite you if you will help us on this thanks so much Please help us spread the word and help us on this new thing !!! thanks so much

We are back to the states !!!

Well we flew in Oct 13 2010 to PHX after being delayed in Korea for 2 hours we left camp Casey at 6 am on Wednesday the 13Th and was suppose to fly out 515 pm but a censor came on the air plane so we got delayed for 2 hours and missed our flight in San Francisco and finally made it home in phx at 915 that night so going for 36 hours straight we were so tried !!! So we are home for 3 weeks and we left PHX Nov 8 and started to travel back in Kentucky My mom couldn't let me go yet so she decided to tag along lol not really the cargo trailer we bought was way to heavy with all our stuff in it so we had to go rent a budget truck and mom went with me in the truck so 2 and a half days after 1750 miles we made it and picked up my car in st Louis and now we got ot FT Campbell we got a house in Pembroke Kentucky 2 story 3 bedroom 2 baths and big back yard for Lilly !!! mom flew out from Nashville i didn't want her to leave i have missed my mom so much !!!
