Thursday, January 15, 2009


Well today Jan 16.2009 i woke up and went to take Lilly for her morning walk and it is snowing. Lilly did not know what to do she didn't walk to walk in it she took one step and shake her foot. Like it was too cold. I was laughing i had to pull her to the park behind our apartment. I had some Koreans laugh at me because i was carrying her back to the apartment because she wouldn't walk in the snow. Hopefully she gets better at it because i am not carrying her any more she is way to heavy 56 pounds to heavy.


Lanise said...

BAHAHAHAHA! How funny. I would have paid a million bucks to see you carrying that big ol dog back to your apartment. To funny.

Michael and Monika said...

ur funny hey i cnat read ur blog u need to add me or somthing
